Here is five of my favorite things from the past week....
1. I finally finished the big paper I had to write...It was def touch and go at some points and was up till the wee hours of the morning finishing it but its done....17 pages later
2. I ordered pictures of my goddaughter from our photo shoot last weekend!! The pics came out great!!!
I mean just look at can you not smile when you see this :) She cracks me up too. She was looking out the window waiting for me to come and then yelled to me from the door..."Hey how are ya??" Sooo stinking cute...
3. On the topic of Photography...Tripod Photography CT (my photo business with 2 friends) booked its second wedding!!!!!! We have just started our business and already have 2 weddings...the crazy thing is that they are for the same day!!!!! A morning and night wedding
4. I'm seeing the Lucky One this weekend....I read the book, by Nicholas Sparks (recommend it if you haven't read it) and I'm looking forward to the movie. Not so much for the movie cause the book is always better but for....Zac Efron

5. I am off on Saturday and I am going to try and get some crafting done!!! Its been a while since I got the craft juices flowing so I am excited to see what I create. Might call for a trip to Michael's!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

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